Who We Are

The dream of Africa Methodist Council became a reality when Heads of Methodist Churches across Africa, representing Methodist families in the Sub regions received and approved the proposal for the formation of Africa Methodist Council at the Heads of Churches Summit which took place at the Freeman Christian Centre, Kumasi Ghana from the 14th -19th October 2015.
The participants at the summit were drawn from the various sub regions of Africa.
Southern Africa, East Africa, Central Africa and West Africa. Africa Methodist Council is a Pan African association of Methodist, Wesleyan, and related Uniting and United Churches. The Council is set to encourage Methodist unity in witness, facilitating mission in Africa, and fostering ecumenical and inter-religious activities which will enhance Methodism within Africa and promote the unity of the Methodist families in Africa in order to showcase the African Identity through the Wesleyan movement
We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God and as the only basis for our beliefs.

During the summit it was agreed that it is time for us to engage in the following activities:

  1. To create a forum where Methodist Churches from whichever background can share fellowship and what they are doing with others in the Methodist Family across Africa
  2. To Speak with one voice Concerning issues
  3. To promote unity and co-operation within the Methodist Conferences in Africa affecting Africa


Since setting up the council, several steps have been taken towards achieving the mission of the AMC.

AMC was visibly represented at the World Methodist Council which took place in Houston Texas in 2016, One of the major areas of focus for AMC is the issue of migration across the African continent and consultations have taken place in Nigeria in conjunction with Churches in Action for Peace and Development. Participants at the consultation unanimously agreed to take forward actions aimed at addressing creating awareness on irregular migration from Africa and also advocacy actions with European Union to facilitate a response to providing balancing for Human Rights of Migrants, as well as encouraging a coordinated approach to Voluntary Return process with assistance. It is also entrenched that reflection on
Migration issues on the pulpit through teaching, preaching, organization of in church seminars and theological discussions in seminaries is an imperative.
The necessity of promoting a position on Migration from Africa context becomes important, so policy must be bottom up approach, to enable proactive contribution from stakeholders. CAPAD therefore is open to a second phase of the consultation with a view of engaging government through the instrument of Sub regional and regional bodies such as ECOWAS- Economic community of West Africa States and AU (African
Our Unity in Africa remains a major key to the transformation of our land. As Methodist people, we must break those Intra and International boundaries which have hindered us from looking beyond our own ideologies, whether we are Wesleyans from the British extraction or United Methodists, Free Methodist, Africa Methodist Episcopal Zion or African Methodist Episcopal Church. Whoever we are, we are bound together by the bond which is found in Christ as expressed through our great
forbearer John Wesley.
It is our belief that as we all work together to see to the unity of all Methodist families in Africa. All countries are reminded of the need to put in place National Councils that will provide the much needed network and cooperation that is required to sustain the Council at the continental level. Therefore, in line with this understanding we must move with dispatch to establish the National Councils. The Secretariat is aware that some countries have functioning National Councils consisting of the various Methodist Families in the country. Where this is not the case, we expect Heads of Churches of the various Methodist families in each country
to reach out to each other and make possible the much needed interaction.
Enquiries : E- MAIL – africamethcouncil@gmail.com